Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Santas helpers

The elves at the Morse Farm have been busy with the mail orders.maple kettle corn, maple candy and gift boxes. People are calling in and stopping in to get their Christmas lists completed. Burr is busy with trees and many other things to remember and do , while Elliott jars up some more maple cream. Just can't seem to keep enough ahead of the demand sometimes. It's important to us that your gifts from here are fresh and get to their destination when you want them to. We do our best to make your Holidays as stress free as possible. Give us a jingle.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Busy Open House

Saturday for open house started kind of slow. The roads still weren't all that good from the day before and the weather couldn't decide which to snow and blow or warm up a bit. At times we could hear the wagon rides going out but the wind and snow went sideways sometimes and you couldn't see a thing. Kind of wild outside and it got that way in the store also. Many folks came and enjoyed free samples and got some great deals besides. We still have many items on sale and hot mulled cider to enjoy as you look thru the store. Come on up, the sun is shinning today.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Come to Open House

Open house is tomorrow from ten til two. We will have tractor pulled wagon rides which is a favorite for young and old alike. Food samples and hot drinks for you to enjoy if you aren't still stuffed from your Thanksgiving feast. We will have many specials and discounts and our sale table. Mail order will be open out back to get your holiday shopping started or do everyone with different premade gift baskets or items you pick out to make up your own. We are all decked out with wreaths and lights waiting for you. Stop up.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we have many things to be thankful for. We have jobs and get enough to eat. All of the kids and grandkids will be at our house Thanksgiving night to eat way too much and then be too full. One year my turkey had to take a ride to my daughters house as the power went out and we had to use her oven to finish cooking the bird. Thankfully she lives close by. Only one problem I always have with Thanksgiving is the stuffing. I hate that stove top stuff. I've been sick both times I've tried it and just can't look at the stuff. However if you think about stuffing in general it is old, dry, stale bread seasoned that we put up a turkeys butt. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sale table grows

As the holidays fast approach, Barbs sale table takes on a life of its own. It is really good things but sometimes there is only one or two left and people just don't seem to buy them. Some items we just have too many of, our fall visitors had other things in mind when they came here not Christmas shopping, they wanted their syrup. So now is your chance to pick up some real deals. Open House is only a few days away but you can start saving now. Stop by and check out the sale table, I've even bought something.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hoiday sales

We will have our famous sale table up and ready for you to start saving today. Good products at a good price. We still have lots of bulk syrup at a great price for your holiday baking. Trees, wreaths,bows for decorating needs and much more. We still have our Maple creemees all winter. The ski people just won't stand for no creemees after a great ski. Stop up we are looking pretty festive here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Getting Festive

Morse Farm is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Rena is doing a really good job of decorating our wreaths and making the store look so pretty. People comment on how nice the wreaths are what a nice job she does. Garland and lights, tis the season. Stop by to look around for that special gift. You can pick up your wreath or get a plain one and make your own creation. We have many different bows you can purchase also. Don't forget open house on November 27th the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wants in a name

We get a real kick out of some of the many names tourist or folks who have been here a few times and return have for Burr. They believe they know Burr on a personal level but just can't seem to get his name right. One year in mail order they told us that Bert was real funny. Was he from Texas?..yup, Bert from Texas thats him. Love that.
Bo,Bart,Barry,Harold, another favorite and Harry Morse that's the one we know that he does't want to talk to them anyway. So next time you see Burr or whoever he is say "Hey'.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another wacky wednesday

Here we go again, first the funniest question I've ever been asked. Do you have pies? Nothing funny about that but I said yes, only the Maple creemee pies with a graham cracker crust. She then asked me if they had to be baked? I stopped for a minute and said "baked"? no, they are frozen. The next question was, So you don't have to even warm them at all? I just said no, they are a frozen pie. We could have had a new product. Creemee soup pie. Sometimes it just makes you wonder what makes some people tick. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Farm Fresh

When it comes to farm fresh and home grown Morse Farm has it covered. We have grass-fed beef raised right here in the fields. Tom has grown his own corn and pumpkins here on the farm. We have our own Christmas trees that Burr cuts a select few each season and our wreaths are decarated on the deck by Rena. We can our Maple syrup downstairs here and Elliott makes fresh maple sugar and candy at least twice a week. How's that for fresh ?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gift boxes

Christmas is fast approaching and there is no better time to get your gift boxes ordered and off that " to do " list. We'll hold them until closer to Christmas then ship them off to friends and relatives for the holidays. Send one of ours or make up your own. It's nice to pick out things you know they will enjoy. Christmas, Birthdays,New Home, or just because, you decide and we will do the rest. How easy!
Give us a call or stop by soon.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Seasonal favorites

Burr was gone most of the day Thursday picking up one of our customers favorite things for the upcoming season....Wreaths. We will have the undecorated wreaths or our beauitful red bow with cones and berries that we call our mail-order wreath. Rena gets fancy and makes some with all different colored bows and very special decor on them. She has even done them to order before. We'll have kissing balls and large wreaths to order. So as another busy season begins, stop by to see our new supply of some holiday favorites. Happy Holidays.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lady Hunters

The "boys" will be out this weekend looking for that all mighty buck. But most of you ladies will be hunting for some good deals and a day of fun.... shopping. Stop in here at the Morse Farm and bag a big catch of your own. Many sales and discounts so your bucks will go a long ways. Let the guys wonder thru the woods, you'll find what you need right here. Happy Hunting. See you soon.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wacky Wenesday

The buses have all gone for now and the silly questions over the phone or in the store have slowed down a bit but we still get them. Here is a few recent ones. What do you use to patch the whole in the tree once you pull the tap out? # 2 question The trees have many different colored leaves on them, is that how you get the different colors of syrup? Now my personal favorite...Do the trees expand as they get full of sap when it's time to get sap out? I'd like to answer " sure, thats where we have the really thick forests." but I didn't. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just in time for your holiday shopping our Morse Farm pullover fleese are 20% off. We have dark blue and forest green to choose from. We have other t-shirts and sweats also along with warm sox,hats and double mittens for kids and adults. So get cozy here at the Morse Farm and save too. Christmas will be here before you know it.

Warm Up

Monday, November 8, 2010

Snow and Ice Day

Here it is Nov. 8th and already some places have decided to close school for the day. Hope this is not a trend for the winter months ahead. Cold,wet, and really nasty. The weather man says it is going to get better later in the week, looking forward to that. Meanwhile stop up. It's warm and dry and theres lots to look at while you enjoy your maple creemee. Fresh kettle corn fills the air. It's hard to resist.... Hope to see you soon. Drive safe

Friday, November 5, 2010


They call it No-vember because there are no leaves, there is no sunshine and no one wants to be outside when it's so dark and glummy. We do have election day and that was either good or bad which ever way you want to look at it. We have day light savings day coming up. Do we loose sleep or gain some? Veterans day which is a good thing and Thanksgiving when you stuff the bird and then you are stuffed yourself. No-vember an interesting month any way you look at it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall Happenings

Cold, rain, and probably snow later today. Happy November. The bright side is we have discounts and cranberries from the Cape. Our maple creemees are still great and we are ready to take your mail orders for Christmas delivery now so you won't have to be stressed out closer to the season. Order early and be all done, right now we have 10 percent off so stop in or give us a jingle.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Start saving

Check your local papers for money saving coupons on our maple syrup gallons and half gallons. The World has coupons for $6.00 off a gallon and $4.00 off a half gallon,with the holidays just around the corner, get stocked up for yourself and your company who just might like some real Vermont maple syrup for breakfast at your house. We would love to see you and your guests. Lots of ideas for Christmas here. Stop by have a look around. See you soon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Days

Fall days bring that crisp air, there is snow in the wind and on the mountains. I heard on the news last night they are opening a ski run today for experts, a little too early for that much snow if you ask me. Speaking of snow our ski passes are on sale now, so come get your passes while they have that early bird special thru dec. 2nd. Many goodies come in your packet so beat the snow this year.

Fall Days

Monday, November 1, 2010


Our busy bus days have now passed and things can get back to normal. A few tourists still come thru and say our place is great even without the colored leaves. Locals are poking their heads back in " now that it's safe." We still have apples,squash, and potatoes. Our maple creemees are as good as always but the chocolate won't be back til spring. Who wants chocolate anyway? Cool days,cold nights....Burr... no pun intended. Happy fall.